Our Family


Pixie is a Korean Maltese, KC registered, weighing only 1.6 KG. She has the most amazing and playful personality. She gets on lovely with children including special needs children. She has a nurturing and protective nature also and thinks it’s her duty to protect their owners.


Roo is a micro/tiny poodle. This little Chap is huge fun gets super excited around everyone and will do anything for a cuddle. He is KC-registered and weighs 1.8kg. He is a tiny bunch of joy!


Kenjiro is the most new addition to our family. He is a tiny Maltipoo and if anyone looks like a real-life teddy bear that’s this little chap here. He is soft and well-mannered with children and can be very shy sometimes. If he feels something is too much for him he will ask for cuddles straight away and try to hide in your lap.


Olly is a charming little chap. Micro Maltese weighting only 1.8 kg. He is friendly and playful specially with children


Mimiko is a micro pure Korean Maltese weighing only 1.8 kg. She has a shy personality and loves a good cuddle. She enjoys being with other dogs and children and has the most lovely manners.


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